Our Vigilance Project and Compliance Manager Caius Stefan Giura quickly realized this when he was once in a GVP inspection and the training records were reviewed. The company had a paper-based training system and it took hours to extract every training record.

In the end, the inspection was not only tedious and time consuming, but also riddled with gaps and errors – a total compliance nightmare. 🤯
Since then, Caius has vowed to introduce an electronic training tool that will make such problems history.
💡 The solution: our Learning Management System (LMS).
The LMS is a cloud software solution that is used for the onboarding of new employees and the training of existing employees, as well as for handling project-specific work.
The training system is used both internally and by our customers and has been expanded to include partner training, distribution of documents and updates such as new product information, legal intelligence and annual training courses.
Slides, videos and audios work alongside face-to-face training and various forms of training effectiveness testing are also available in this CFR 21 Part 11 validated system.
In addition to our customers, we now offer the LMS to any company that requires such a system. Whether you want to manage it yourself or have us do it for you 👉 contact us via contact@drehm.at or just ask your DREHM friends!