When we think back on 20 years of DREHM, we mustn’t forget our first subsidiary – DREHM Strategies! 🤗
DREHM Strategies (or ‘DS’ for short), our marketing & strategy division, was founded in 2013 – back then under the name DREHM Marketing.

However, the roots of DS as you know it today don’t go back that far – but they have an even finer origin: at the bar of a Viennese sparkling wine cellar!
It was here – at an IGEPHA networking event – that our co-owner/managing director Mario Koller and our current DS core team Bianca Czeipek and Johanna Gugler met for the first time in this group of three in 2014.
The evening was naturally long, the first thoughts and ideas were spun 💭, until they got down to business in 2019.
Since then, the two of them – together with our talented graphic designer Denisa Jurge – have been supporting the pharmaceutical marketing departments as external partners from strategy to operational implementation, with heart and brain. 🧡
Thanks to Christina Nageler and IGEPHA – we have you to thank for the first step 😉