In the near future some exciting seminars will take place again with us – and there is really something for everyone!
The topics range from pharmaceutical law to marketing and communication to work organisation and leadership. Our internal and external experts are happy to share their expertise with you.
An overview of the next 4 seminars. 👇
⚖️ 12. 02 – “Focus on Sales: Legal Aspects in the Field Service” with Dany Boyadjiyska
Would you like an introduction to specific issues that could be relevant in the field of healthcare and pharmaceuticals? Or refresh and consolidate existing knowledge on the subject? Then this seminar is just right for you! https://www. drehm-ci. at/b/courses/vertrieb-im-fokus-rechtliche-aspekte-im-aussendienst/
💻 14. 02 – “Prompt me up! – Writing more efficiently with AI” with Johanna Gugler and Elisabeth Mondl
In this workshop, you will explore the world of artificial intelligence and interactively develop practical applications for social media, emails, newsletters, etc. https://www. drehm-ci. at/b/courses/prompt-me-up-ki-schreiben-effizienter/
💊 15. 02– “In-house product development for pharmacists” with Jakob Hütthaler-Brandauer
In this seminar you will get an overview of everything legally relevant for the manufacture, labelling and marketing of own products in pharmacies. https://www. drehm-ci. at/b/courses/eigen-produkt-entwicklung-apotheke/
🚀 15. 02 – “The Principles of New Work and Agility” with Mario Koller
Mario introduces you to the world of New Work and uses best practice examples to show you how to guide your organisation on the road to agility. https://www. drehm-ci. at/b/courses/die-prinzipien-von-new-work-und-agilitaet/
For an overview of all current seminars, please visit https://www. drehm-ci. at/seminare/
We look forward to seeing you!