The Cheerful Explorer
In order to see something of the big world, Andrea decided to explore it after graduating from school in small Bregenz, and moved to London for a while to enjoy city life and make long journeys to South-East Asia and Africa.
After the wanderlust was satisfied, she settled in Vienna and devoted herself to the study of veterinary medicine. No wonder, given her pronounced preference for all large as well as microscopically small animals, and for poring over thick books. Even in her spare time, no book is safe from her and with her lively dog she takes every opportunity for extended walks.
Towards the end of her studies, new family members came in the form of the very best daughter in the world, who promptly made a pact with the dog and made sure that it never gets boring at home.
As a veterinarian, she quickly ended up at DREHM Pharma, where she has been passionate about medical writing ever since.