The Permanent Beta
Change is exciting. At least for Mario. So it was no question for him that he had retired from management for 3 years and reduced his work by half in order to be able to experience the first years of his son’s life intensively.
Since 2021, Mario has been back on board and is passionate about a topic that has gripped him since 2017: New Work. The belief that the world of work has to be adapted to people’s realities and not the other way around is the driving force behind his commitment.
To compensate for the tightly regulated pharmaceutical industry, Mario loves to write songs and screenplays and to share his passion for music with his son. Not always to the delight of his wife Petra. Because it can get really loud in the house Koller.
Mario’s personal goal: to make DREHM a role model in the pharmaceutical industry. A role model for the work of the future.